
Aloha! Welcome to my little home on the web.
My name is Rose and I live on the beautiful island of Oahu. I am a blogger, wanna-be writer and hopeless romantic. I also have another blog called Her Tainted Lips where I talk about fashion, love & relationships, shopping, women’s issues and other topics.

I love being an aunt to my niece and nephew, reading, and lip gloss. I prefer my green tea hot with a drop or two of honey and enjoy spending time at the beach because I was a mermaid in my former life.

When I was younger I allowed negativity to consume me. After doing some soul searching – still searching actually – I realized that I had more control of my experiences than I thought I did. No, I don’t know some magical cure. What I do have are tools that have helped me to live a much more positive and fulfilling life. I discovered the power of affirmations, vision boards and meditation. I learned about law of attraction and manifestation. I found things that worked for me and allowed me to live more days in a happy state than a sad and depressing one.

My experiences were a catalyst for what you see here on this blog. I am not saying that life is always perfect and that I don’t have “bad” days. But I have learned how to find the light within me and allow it to shine a little brighter.

Conscious Rose
I created this website with the intention of sharing with others some of my interests and experiences when it comes to conscious living, yoga, meditation and spirituality. I like to post things that have inspired me and will hopefully inspire you as well.

This domain is registered through GoDaddy. I have used them since 2006 and I have not had any problems with them.

It is hosted through Hostgator. I have been using them since 2011 with no complaints yet. You can use the coupon code consciousrose to get $9.94 off your first month of hosting.

The background image that is currently being used can be found at Backgroundlabs.com.

If you are interested in advertising prices please use the contact form below:
[contact-form to=’conscious.rose@gmail.com’ subject=’ConsciousRose Advertising’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Inquiry’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]